oktober 1, 2013 kl. 8:01 pm #11958
Michael PovlsenDeltagerHej derude
Jeg leder efter et alternativ til den tykke, stive mono line på harpunen. Er de nogle derude der kan byde ind med et gangbart alternativ der ikke er så forbandet stift? Jeg har tidligere brugt en flettet nylonline som funkede Ok lige indtil den knækkede som sytråd. Nogle som har forsøgt sig med Dynema line fra whishbone eller lignende kevlar produkt agtigt?Mvh Michael
oktober 1, 2013 kl. 8:18 pm #11959
David HModeratorJa, download Salvimars katalog og kig på deres Dyneemaline (som de kalder andre ting). Selv i de små tykkelser er de meget stærke.
Jeg har læst, at en del af de italienske spearos er ret vilde med den som skydeline.På min 90er har jeg selv brugt den brune (vistnok 0.94mm), men den syntes jeg var for tynd og kludrede for let, så jeg skiftede tilbage til mono.
På mit linehjul på min større harpun har jeg deres Climax 1.25mm og mono som skydeline men jeg kunne sagtens forestille mig at Climaxen ville være fin som skydeline. Den er ret blød men ikke helt så blød som normal Dyneema/Spectra da den har en form for voksoverfladebehandling, som gør den en smule stivere. Men det gør nok også at den har mindre vandmodstand.
Når det er sagt, så kan jeg godt lide at monoen har en lille smule stivhed i sig – for mig kludrer den ikke så nemt (Jeg har hele fire loops skydeline, så det er nok en del mere end de fleste gummiharpuner…;-)).
Jeg bruger en mono, der hedder Asso Triple Force og den sætter sig heller ikke helt så meget i knækkene, som jeg har set andre gøre. Den skulle efter sigende være meget stærk ifht. tykkelsen og jeg har indtil videre ikke haft problemer med at bruge den i 1.17mm.
Jeg vil tro, at den i den tykkelse er meget mere medgørlig end f.eks. 1.8 og 2mm som mange bruger.God jagt.
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 1:50 pm #11972
Lamberto AzziDeltagerUse dyneema 1,5mm: the type with polyester braided sock around the dyneema core is more rigid than the one called Climax that has no sock and that have the nasty tendency to get tangled… especially at night.
Do not use crimp sleeves but make a proper bowline knot on the spear and to the gun/reel side.
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oktober 2, 2013 kl. 3:24 pm #11975
Christian ToppDeltagerHey Lamberto.
Do you have a link to a shop, where you can buy the line you recommed?
Thx – Topper
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:02 pm #11976
Lamberto AzziDeltagerTry Kingfish… they have Salvimar but i am not sure they have a stock… otherwise i use this: http://www.acquasport.com/scheda.php?idprod=1083 but if you need it we can share one 100m roll. They do not speak english but i call them quite often for work. Let me know. Shipping should be around 10 EUR. If you need less i can buy the rest and keep it for the next gun…. this new one is going to be lethal!
This weekend i’ll be in LL with NakNemo guys but after that we should go back to you-know-where and get the trouts we left there last time… 😉Ciao!
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:02 pm #11977
David HModeratorSalvimar actually has both types – the one without a sleeve and the one with a sleeve.
The latter is called Clynema in SalviSpeak.
(I just looked at the Salvimar catalogue again and I do think that Lamberto’s pix are of Salvi lines. They also have a Dyneema with sleeve in white and black.)Furthermore, I have actually just sourced dyneema samples from a Chinese vendor (yes, there are advantages to living out here) and they sent me both types.
So far, they look good and very much like the Salvimar. The manufacturer said he supplies a lot of EU and US brands and I have no reason to doubt that. I have not done any breakage tests on them and probably wont. I don’t have the equipment.Unfortunately, even if I wanted to buy a lot and sell it on to you guys at cost price – I would need to order at least 500 meters maybe even 1000 meters.
I think spearfishing.de might have some of the Salvi line but haven’t checked in a while.
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:04 pm #11978
Lamberto AzziDeltagerActually… i am going to buy it right now: who need it and how much?… i’ll place the order this evening.
Ciao! -
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:06 pm #11979
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:45 pm #11982
David HModeratorGecko: How much for the MOQ?
Hard to say as somehow I did not get a quote for the Dyneema with Polyester sleeve – he just dropped a bit of it in my package as I had told him I was only interested in Dyneema with no sleeve.
But now that I have handled both a bit I have to say, that I think you might very well be right in that the version with the sleeve tangles less. The sleeve is simply so smooth that it tends to untangle itself before it gets a chance to tie knots on itself.
The straight Dyneema does likes to kink a bit more.
But then again, I have mono as shooting line and just have the Dyneema on the reel.But to partly answer your question, the 1.2mm dyneema with no sleeve that I got was about 1 dKr/m.
He said that if I could order 500m he could make custom colors. He only had red in stock, so that’s what I got.
That said, he started by saying 1000m and I don’t know if he will push for that again.I am not sure how much more it would be with sleeve.
It’s National Holidays now and factories are all closed. I can ask for a quote on Monday or Tuesday.Here is the app. 1.2mm red Dyneema with no sleeve:
Here is the app. 1.5mm Dyneema with Poly sleeve:
(At least I think it is a polyester sleeve as I could burn it easily whereas Dyneema doesn’t melt that nicely. The reason I am saying this is that they do make a Dyneema with Dyneema sleeve also but that one is substantially more expensive I think)
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oktober 2, 2013 kl. 4:52 pm #11984
David HModeratorJeg er i øvrigt fuldstændig enig i, at en bowline knot, pælestik på dansk, er et genialt knob. Selv efter at være blevet hevet og flået i forbliver det overraskende nemt at binde op igen.
(Det er derfor man bruger dem til at fortøjre både).Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
oktober 2, 2013 kl. 6:14 pm #11991
Jacob Nyborg AndreassenDeltagerHi Lamberto.
I’m considering jumping on board with this.
How is this line better than mono?Cheers!
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 11:03 am #12008
Claus RimestadDeltagerHar fundet en gl forældet kite bom, der sidder dynaeema liner på 4 stk a 25m i forskellig farve dem har jeg tænkt at bruge når den originale Seac line ikke kan mere, de er specificeret til 250kg det må række :cheer: Anvender også flagknob i begge ender og det fungerer udmærket og kan altid bindes op. Har ikke problemer med knuden på spyddet selvom den skal ud gennem det lukkede styr.
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 11:45 am #12011
Christian ToppDeltagerSounds perfect… I’ll take a good piece…
Good luck at LL..
And I will be looking forward to picking up the trout leftovers from last time.. And I also got my 7mm suit, so dont have to freeze my ass 🙂
I got inspired by the area, so went a bit further north and picked up this fat guy the week after (actually girl)..
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oktober 3, 2013 kl. 1:47 pm #12013
Lamberto AzziDeltager…. I got inspired by the area, so went a bit further north and picked up this fat guy the week after (actually girl)..
You are supposed to shoot them with a spear and not to cut their throat… 😛
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 1:57 pm #12016
Christian ToppDeltagerWell.. If I can get my sneak skills good enough to take them with the knife, I am thinking that I am doing pretty well 🙂
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 2:12 pm #12018
Lamberto AzziDeltagerI’m considering jumping on board with this.
How is this line better than mono?Wit a good dyneema you will need to replace the line MUCH less often as it is quite difficult to cut through it… after several spears or fish lost because wear of the monoline to the spear loop i started to appreciate this…
Another important point if you have a gun with decent reach, is that Dyneema is more fluid in the water and have much less plastic memory, especially at low temperatures, than monolyne: the result is a more precise shot at long distance also with 4-5m of line behind the spear. And this is very important with lighter spears (6,25/6,5mm) on new generation guns like rollers or compounds.
To improve even further i have tried a dyneema terminal (2 cm + loop + knots) and a fly-fishing line… fantastic performances in the shot! More reach and more precise than any dyneema. The major setback is that at night ( that is the typical fishing time for family guys…) it get very easily tangled especially if the current is strong…. I ended up cutting the line off and remade a loop with the dyneema of the reel. With a bowline knot on the dyneema will not reduce much the strenght of the line and is always possible to replace the loop in the water…
The cross-braided dyneema (without sock) is looking nice and is very flexible but is also very easy to tangle, especially in current and with seaweed around… it is my choice in mediterranean where you fish only in daytime but is a pain at night in spots like Kronborg where a powerful current is almost a guarantee.
STATUS OF PURCHASE: Gecko is caming back with pricing from his supplier on Monday, both for dyneema core+sock and for dyneema core+poly sock. Color may be black or any shade of green available… If the price per meter is chinese-low also including shipment i will cut 100m lenghts and share the reel with the interested guys.
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 2:39 pm #12020
David HModeratorWit a good dyneema you will need to replace the line MUCH less often as it is quite difficult to cut through it… after several spears or fish lost because wear of the monoline to the spear loop i started to appreciate this…
Very true, Dyneema/Spectra has amazing abrasion resistance – resistance to cuts.
As much as I like my 1.17mm mono, it is too easy to nick it. I have had fish go under a rock resulting in a small cut to the line. But at 1.17mm, even a tiny cut will easily lower the breaking strength of the line by 30-50%.
The cut is normally right around the spear but since my mono is measured for exactly four loops, the solution is either to reduce it to three loops or to cut a whole new mono shooting line.Another important point if you have a gun with decent reach, is that Dyneema is more fluid in the water and have much less plastic memory, especially at low temperatures, than monolyne.
Yup, all the dyneema lines float and the more braids they are made of the softer the line becomes.
The cross-braided dyneema (without sock) is looking nice and is very flexible but is also very easy to tangle, especially in current and with seaweed around… it is my choice in mediterranean where you fish only in daytime but is a pain at night in spots like Kronborg where a powerful current is almost a guarantee.
Ah, that makes sense. I have only used the 1.25mm Salvimar non-sleeved Dyneema in pretty clear waters in Thailand with no current and though it tangled a bit on occasion, it was nothing excessive.
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 2:39 pm #12021
David HModeratorSTATUS OF PURCHASE: Gecko is caming back with pricing from his supplier on Monday, both for dyneema core+sock and for dyneema core+poly sock. Color may be black or any shade of green available… If the price per meter is chinese-low also including shipment i will cut 100m lenghts and share the reel with the interested guys.
Just a quick note to say, I can’t guarantee a quote on Monday.
It’s the National Holidays here in China so the country is at a standstill. People start working again on Monday but no tellng on when they’ll get through their stack of emails and get back to me.But as soon as I know more, Lamberto will know. And then it’s up to him if the price is right and we should move forward.
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
oktober 3, 2013 kl. 3:01 pm #12022
oktober 4, 2013 kl. 1:18 am #12036
Michael HesselhofDeltagerActually – once i saw a spigola and i chased it into the grass close to the shore and mysteriously it vanished into the blue? Then i looked down and i practically was on top of the trout. So close i couldt even put my speargun close to it – because i might then have shot myself instead. Weird. Thats called survival skills and i bet that 1 kg trout will grow to be VERY BIG: 😛
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