juni 23, 2013 kl. 11:58 am #8201
JimmyDeltagerHvad er jeres drømme harpun?
Hvis økonomi ikke var en faktor, hvilken harpun ville så være jeres næste?Personligt ville jeg gerne eje en Costum made Daryl Wong harpun. Han har lavet nogle fede harpuner gennem tiden.
FriskFisk -
juni 23, 2013 kl. 1:26 pm #8208
Lamberto AzziDeltagerWhat are you looking for in your gun?
Personally I need:
– Accuracy
– good pan-tilt
– complitely silent when is moved fast to target
– power regulation
– the ability to shoot on a stone at 30cm and don’t damage the spear
– easy reloadingThis is the only gun I know that has all above (and I tried many in 30 years…):-)
If you live in Sjælland we can take a dive and you can try it..
American guns are, on my opinion, just oversized spear-throwing planks on steroids… I never tried those composite guns from Wong but they look ordinary arbaletes with half enclosed track (not even a full one)
I lived in Venezuela for 6 months many years ago and the guns from US where excellent to shoot large baracudas on the banks but for all the other my old Cressi was the envy of the locals.
The new generation guns, if needed, can handle more power than the US guns.Anyway to ask to spearos about their preferred gun is like the PC vs MAC story… 🙂
Attachments: -
juni 23, 2013 kl. 2:10 pm #8210
Jan PetersenDeltagerWhat kinda gun is that Lamberto? And how much does it cost and where to buy it 🙂
:cheer: -
juni 23, 2013 kl. 2:39 pm #8212
janDeltagerPersonlig er jeg mega glad for den nye Cayman ET 75 Roller.
Den møder alle mine krav og fungere bare.
Den er let næsten neutral i vandet
Super godt balanceret ( absolut ikke næsetung)
Lækker kvalitet og finish
Har ikke oplevet larm når den bevæges hurtigt i vandet. -
juni 23, 2013 kl. 4:11 pm #8215
David HModeratorWell, Lamberto – since you bring it up, I do favor Macs;-)
But I have not worked much on PCs and I am sure they are great. It’s just that because of my work, I ended up with Macs which tend to have been preferred by photographers. And this is almost a fitting analogy as in spearing, I am also a minority since I shoot pneumatic guns. I think here in DK, they have an unwarranted bad reputation as being slow, noisy and prone to breakdowns. I find it’s the opposite. My two airguns are what is called vacuum or dry barrel guns where you basically seal the barrel so there is no water in the barrel when shooting. This makes the gun more powerful (since it doesn’t have to eject water, only the spear), very powerful and not noisy. Also, airguns can be had with power regulators.
Initially, I went with airguns as I knew I would travel a lot with my guns and wanted the most power in the smallest possible package.
But there is still room for improvement so while my fave gun would be an airgun, that airgun is yet to be made.
Eg. my small gun is a Seac Hunter 90 with a dry barrel modification. It pans nicely, shoots fast and silently but is a bit nose-heavy which is annoying on long hunts. Also, the mono can be noisy when panning. My long gun is the newest, supposedly most advanced serial production airgun the Sporasub One Air. It’s powerful and very silent but it is a bit bulky and doesn’t move easily in the water (but then again, the bulk means it has very little recoil). Granted, it is also more of a blue water gun where you can more easily expect the fish to come up to you and you don’t need as much gun movement as on the reef or here in DK. Since the mono runs on the side of it, the mono stays silent during pans. The trigger and handle is probably the nicest on any airgun (though rumour has it, they have had one malfunction on a a very early gun). The One Air doesn’t have power regulation though.
My fave airgun would have the inner barrel higher in the barrel to help aiming, it would have a three stage power regulator, be perfectly neutral and balanced and of course have a dry barrel.This was just my, very loooong, two cents;-)
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
juni 23, 2013 kl. 4:40 pm #8217
janDeltagerWhat are you looking for in your gun?
Personally I need:
– Accuracy
– good pan-tilt
– complitely silent when is moved fast to target
– power regulation
– the ability to shoot on a stone at 30cm and don’t damage the spear
– easy reloadingThis is the only gun I know that has all above (and I tried many in 30 years…):-)
If you live in Sjælland we can take a dive and you can try it..
American guns are, on my opinion, just oversized spear-throwing planks on steroids… I never tried those composite guns from Wong but they look ordinary arbaletes with half enclosed track (not even a full one)
I lived in Venezuela for 6 months many years ago and the guns from US where excellent to shoot large baracudas on the banks but for all the other my old Cressi was the envy of the locals.
The new generation guns, if needed, can handle more power than the US guns.Anyway to ask to spearos about their preferred gun is like the PC vs MAC story… 🙂
Hvad model er det?? 90’er eller??
juni 23, 2013 kl. 5:33 pm #8220
Michael PovlsenDeltagerFed tråd, godt emne! Jeg kan ikke sige mig fri for at lide af en slem harpun fetish – meget spændende at høre om andres erfaringer og præferencer.
Jeg er selv (for tiden) endt med en Omer ET 75 som indtil videre ikke har skuffet. Så snart bankkontoen har fået lidt mere sul på sidebenene, skal der tilføjes en Roller model til samlingen.Lamberto, den roller på dit billede får mit mundvand til at tap-løbe…
juni 23, 2013 kl. 8:58 pm #8230
Torben HeimbürgerDeltagerJeg kan oplyse at Lambi selv laver sine sweet guns.
Der går rygter om at han, når garagen er bygget ud, for alvor sætter sving i produktionen af disse vidundere 🙂 Men måske han lige skal få den afstemt med petra (Azzi fruen) 🙂
juni 23, 2013 kl. 10:25 pm #8236
Michael PovlsenDeltagerSelvbyg har mere end en gang strejfet mig, men jeg har hidtil måttet erkende at min manglende adgang til et snedkerværksted sætter sine begrænsninger.
Mon man kunne overbevise AOF om at sætte harpunbyg på programmet til efteråret…Spøg tilside – er der et par harpunbyggere der kan løfte sløret for hvilke maskiner der skal bruges – båndsliber, overfræser, søjleboremaskine og båndsav… hvad mangler på listen? (ud over talent og tålmodighed)
Skulle der være en gammel rotte i faget, som har lyst til at tage et “føl” under sine vinger på næste selvbygger projekt, så er jeg manden der fast medbringer chips og øl til byggeaften! (Kbh/Nordsjælland) -
juni 23, 2013 kl. 10:29 pm #8237
Lamberto AzziDeltagerHi, the gun is a “Compound” that is the evolution of the rollergun: less recoil, much more easy to move (and silent) and more accurate.
This one is a prototype that may became a commercial project in future depending on CNC machining availability at reasonable cost (a wooden gun should not cost more than 1500-2000 kr)
There is an Italian manufacturer ( http://www.roisub.com) is making them from standard barrels and hardware but i think that the design is driven too much by copyright issues and existing patents (even if a patent A1 has low or null value in real engineering). Price is of course high…
juni 23, 2013 kl. 10:42 pm #8238
Lamberto AzziDeltagerWell, Lamberto – since you bring it up, I do favor Macs;-)
But I have not worked much on PCs and I am sure they are great. It’s just that because of my work, I ended up with Macs which tend to have been preferred by photographers. And this is almost a fitting analogy as in spearing, I am also a minority since I shoot pneumatic guns. I think here in DK, they have an unwarranted bad reputation as being slow,….Your gun is great and much better than rubber-guns for the winter months where the rubbers are “floffy” at the least.. Oleopneumatic guns do not suffer cold! :S
Vacuum head have filled the gap between “oleo” and “arba” of the old generation (99% of the existing guns) but the new generation is taking back on the advantage of the power that til now was on the oleo side.
The main disadvantage on my opinion is that the spear should be quite thick (otherwise would bend too much when loading) and, to reach a reasonable speed will need much more power: So if you shoot a torsk with your gun, the chance to smash the spear are high… even if you use the reductor.
I have an oleo 100cm but i have never used it in DK for this reason… if i had an old Medisten at hand i would use it.
For traveling they are great but need more attention that an arbalete: the piston can leak if salt residues are left there for long time and the o-ring of the vacuum head can leak if sand get inside (i already throw away my old Omer Cyrano for that reason :pinch: )
See you when you came back in the autumn!
juni 23, 2013 kl. 10:49 pm #8239
David HModerator[quote=”Diving Gecko” post=6768]Well, Lamberto – since you bring it up, I do favor Macs;-)
But I have not worked much on PCs and I am sure they are great. It’s just that because of my work, I ended up with Macs which tend to have been preferred by photographers. And this is almost a fitting analogy as in spearing, I am also a minority since I shoot pneumatic guns. I think here in DK, they have an unwarranted bad reputation as being slow,….Vacuum head have filled the gap between “oleo” and “arba” of the old generation (99% of the existing guns) but the new generation is taking back on the advantage of the power that til now was on the oleo side.
Great to get some back up for the “oleos” 🙂
Being nerdy also helped my choice of guns. I liked the idea of a pneumatic gun but you are right, with one or two more years of roller/compound band gun development I might end up getting a band gun.
A few things I am not too fond off in the oleos are that the sight line is not completely intuitive (you don’t sight over the spear) and that to unload the gun, you actually have to shoot it and then just hold the spear with rubber bands on the gun. Not like on band guns where you can take the band off again.Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
juni 23, 2013 kl. 11:41 pm #8240
Lamberto AzziDeltager…A few things I am not too fond off in the oleos are that the sight line is not completely intuitive (you don’t sight over the spear) and that to unload the gun, you actually have to shoot it and then just hold the spear with rubber bands on the gun. Not like on band guns where you can take the band off again.
I never aim unless i make “aspetto” (mullets…) and that is why i am having troubles now after one full year using only rollers ( G-roll 65 and 95) with a different handle and shot… I prefer instinct shooting that means to keep both eyes on the target and let the hand/harm to do the aiming: in low visibility conditions (as we had yesterday :S ) the time to target a fish is null-to-zero.
I bought one of those knee-pads for gardening and i am planning to take a full afternoon shooting at different distances to get it hard-wired in the brain… You can practice by shooting to nice tropical fishes (with a bit of envy from my side… 😛 ) !
juni 23, 2013 kl. 11:50 pm #8242
Lamberto AzziDeltagerJeg kan oplyse at Lambi selv laver sine sweet guns.
Der går rygter om at han, når garagen er bygget ud, for alvor sætter sving i produktionen af disse vidundere 🙂 Men måske han lige skal få den afstemt med petra (Azzi fruen) 🙂
Outsourcing to CNC woodwork specialized workshop… that is the solution (and is wife-proof.. 🙂 )
A gun, however is made, can not cost more than 200-300 EUR on my opinion…
Bring that wood of yours that we start to make MK3 version… 😉
P.S.: I found nice triggers in Italy at a normal price so we can order some…Ciao!
juni 24, 2013 kl. 12:24 am #8245
David HModeratorI never aim unless i make “aspetto” (mullets…) and that is why i am having troubles now after one full year using only rollers ( G-roll 65 and 95) with a different handle and shot… I prefer instinct shooting that means to keep both eyes on the target and let the hand/harm to do the aiming: in low visibility conditions (as we had yesterday :S ) the time to target a fish is null-to-zero.
I bought one of those knee-pads for gardening and i am planning to take a full afternoon shooting at different distances to get it hard-wired in the brain… You can practice by shooting to nice tropical fishes (with a bit of envy from my side… 😛 ) !
Yeah, I envy those who don’t have to aim but just have it hardwired. I still have to though. Put practice makes perfect and hope to get some pool practice at least before I let loose on the snappers and groupers on the reef:-)
I agree with you on the gun prices, just seems few other manufacturers do in the business… If you manage to make your guns commercially available in that price range, you might end up with a nice little side business. I can go check out some factories for you in you-know-what country, hehe. So many people think only shit quality comes from there. They are wrong. Shit and great quality (and everything in between) comes from there. But even better if you can produce it in your home country, either your own or your adopted one.
Shooter & Shooter - Fotograf & Spearo
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