februar 23, 2013 kl. 12:51 pm #4680
JimmyDeltagerDanmark er et dejligt land og UV-jage i, stort set alt hvad man skyder kan spises.
– MEN ! det bliver jo snart sommer, dertil ferie, og spørgsmålet: “Hvor burde man tage hen for at få sig en god UV-jagt oplevelse” ?
Skal selv til Kroatien nær Split, er der nogle der har erfaring der ?
# Jimmy
februar 23, 2013 kl. 1:56 pm #4681
janDeltagerSpændene 🙂
Så må du lave en fortælling med fotos når du er kommet hjem, så kan
Vi andre benytte den til at planlægge ferie efter hvis andre også ligger deres bedste
Udlandske dykker oplevelser med uv-jagt ind i den Tråd også.Jeg skal selv muligvis til Færøerne og tænker at tage udstyret med.
Nogle der har prøvet uv-jagt der? -
februar 23, 2013 kl. 7:04 pm #4687
Lamberto AzziDeltagerHi,
The Mediterranean sea in general is not even the shadow of what it was before and in most places you will need a boat to reach good spots.
I believe that in Croatia you will need to have a local licence that is quite complicate to get but should be possible to get good fishes around there.
In Italy almost all access to rocky shores are private and fishing around harbors is forbidden in some place. Italian authorities are real bastards with spearos so I strongly suggest you to go to the local “Capitaneria di Porto” and check on local rules that change widely depending on location. After you have all rules cleared, no fishing licence is required. A float is mandatory and the penalty is 1000 EUR and requisition of all equipment.
Fishes are much smaller and diffident compared to Denmark. Average depth for larger fishes is 15+ m.
You can still get beautiful sea-bass or mullets if you go around the harbors jetty, but in general to catch a beautiful prey is quite rare if you don’t have a boat.
Baleares are a great spot: a licence is required but i never had to show it to anybody… Spaniards are generally relaxed with tourists that are obviously ignorant of local regulations and sincerely apologize and promise to don’t do it again… :whistle:
Remember also that, opposite to Denmark, fishing at night is VERY illegal and the penalty is VERY high… if you decide for a late barbecue, just be very discreet 👿
A 5mm wetsuit and a 75-90cm gun are all you need… Enjoy!!!
marts 15, 2013 kl. 8:54 pm #5138
Michael HesselhofDeltagerBoth true and not true in regard to fish near the Italian coast of Adriatica. You will mainly spot small types of fish. If you lurk around and go very easy and try to hide amongst the rocks, you will see big mullets and oratas and seabass – but they are very shy and very fast to escape. I have also seen a tuna like species twice. I gues the weight of them have been between 10-20 kgs – but way too fast for my triggerfinger :unsure:
I have caught some octopussies and quite alot of small fish. -
marts 15, 2013 kl. 11:28 pm #5142
marts 16, 2013 kl. 4:21 pm #5162
JimmyDeltagerHej Mikkel? Hvor i Norge vil du anbefale man kan tage hen? Jeg overvejer skarpt en tur i uge 30 til Norge? Hvordan og hvorledes?
marts 16, 2013 kl. 6:39 pm #5172
MarcDeltagerJeg har familie og har boet på Gran Canarie, hvilket sagtens kan anbefales. Som altid er de bedste jagtsteder kun mulige med båd, men ellers er der mange steder på kysten man kan jage, hvis man blot leger en bil.
Jeg har flaskedykket der rigtig meget, men fik min “jagtdåb” sidst jeg var nede og besøge farmor. Og udover min far og jeg havde misforstået hvor det var tilladt og forbudt, så jeg endte med at jage i det forbudte område, så var det et ret godt dyk med et flot og lækker 3kgs havbars.
Hvis det har interesse kan jeg på et tidspunkt lave en guide til hvordan man får licens, da det er en lidt krævende proces, der dog kan gøres ret nemt hvis man ved hvad man skal. Og så gælder den i tre år. Og på samme måde som det lyder til at være i Italien, så napper Guardia Civil dit udstyr og giver dig en klækkelig bøde, hvis man forsøger uden.
marts 16, 2013 kl. 7:26 pm #5173
Lamberto AzziDeltagerBoth true and not true in regard to fish near the Italian coast of Adriatica. You will mainly spot small types of fish. If you lurk around and go very easy and try to hide amongst the rocks, you will see big mullets and oratas and seabass – but they are very shy and very fast to escape. I have also seen a tuna like species twice. I gues the weight of them have been between 10-20 kgs – but way too fast for my triggerfinger :unsure:
I have caught some octopussies and quite alot of small fish.Yes, mullets and seabass in Italy are like rats… 🙂 you can find them everywhere… they are pretty easy to catch outside piers or river-mouths. The easiest is aspetto on shallow water or even on the surface on the piers tip or behind a large rock (with a klicker to call the seabass)
Mullets and seabass in Denmark are larger than in the Mediterranean: I got a 5 Kg seabass in Mallorca 12 years ago and was considered a big one while here is of average size.
I moved back to Italy (my homeland) last year, after 14 years living and fishing abroad, and the situation is definitely bad if compared to the old days. You can of course get the big ones but, unless a lucky strike, the average fishing depth is 20-30m… :sick: I guess the one you have seen are either “ricciola” or “leccia”… good fish! Look at this video… Is really cool! http://youtu.be/Ydxhkb0u0No
Orate and Saraghi are also quite obiquitous but rarely of size above 1 Kg and more normally 500g or so.
If you want to try a good shot in Italy i definitely suggest Sardinia: if you take the trouble to go there is better to go for the best… :cheer: I love there!
Fishing here in Denmark is pure fun: large cod 4-5 kilos in less than 10m of water and beautiful trouts along the rocky beach in summer… and all without the need of a boat! 🙂
P.S. No fishing licence required but LOTS of local rules and daily fishing quota: ask to the local “Capitaneria di Porto”… the fine if you get cought can really destroy your holiday…
marts 19, 2013 kl. 10:58 pm #5252
MikkelDeltagerHej Mikkel? Hvor i Norge vil du anbefale man kan tage hen? Jeg overvejer skarpt en tur i uge 30 til Norge? Hvordan og hvorledes?
Kristianssund er en klassiker, ikke at forveksle med Kristiansand, jeg har dykket der begge gange, og i en radius af 50 km vil jeg tro, der er mange gode broer, fjorde osv. som er helt fantastiske.
Man kan jo også tage endnu længere op, der skulle de helt store helleflyndere gemme sig 🙂
marts 20, 2013 kl. 4:50 pm #5264
Torben HeimbürgerDeltagerVi dribler til Azorerne til September for at se hvad det er for nogle vande.
Det er regnet for et sweet spot for rigtig mange store fisk (kingfish, Jacks, etc.) og skulle man være heldig at nappe en tun ville det helt sikkert være bomben! Og ja, der er de tun man må skyde og dem man ikke må 🙂
– Der skal heldigvis købes en del gear som er noget større end det vi har idag 🙂
Tænker en 140 cm Rob Allen rung eller noget andet sødt i den retning.
marts 20, 2013 kl. 5:48 pm #5267
Lamberto AzziDeltagerYou can borrow my new 115 roller… i think it will be powerful enough. 😉
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